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Fix Dvd/Cd Room Disappeared

If for some odd reason Your Dvd/Cd Rom drives disappeared and You cant change firmware or update drivers it may mean the problem is harder. Alot of people will say that if windows xp doesnt detect dvdrom it means You have to format system. But as usual theres other way to fix it.

before doing the hack make sure You really need it. Go to View system information then go to Hardware Tab and choose device manager. Go to Your CDROM/DVDROM/RW drive and try to ‘fix the issue’. It prolly wont as WinXP wont see CDROM/DVDROM/RW drives.

Okay so heres the fix without useless talk:
1 – Start Menu > Run > type regedit aka enter Windows Registry [dont worry it iwll be easy]
2 – Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class entry
3 – Find {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and enter it
so it would be path: H_L_MSystemCurrentControlSetControlClass{3d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
4 – Click UpperFilters and LowerFilters keys from WIndows Registry to highlight them, then simply delete both of them without blink of an eye.
5 – restart computer